
Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Sada Shiva

Firstly Lord Shiva does not exist only at one level. He exists at different levels of reality.

So there is Sadashiva, who Jiva Goswami describes in Brahma samhita that his abode is almost in the spiritual world. It is one fourth in the spiritual world, three fourth in the material world. That abode is eternal and there are his devotees who treat him not as God but as a great devotee and together they glorify Lord Vishnu eternally. That is the eternal abode at the border of the material and spiritual worlds but it is eternal. That Shiva is greater than everyone else and all the other devtas because that Shiva is eternal. Even Brahma or Indra, none of the other devtas have any counterpart like that.

Now within the material world we have Brahmaji as first created being. So he is the first created being and from him there is the manifestation of Shiva, he was born when he gets angry, the kumaras are not procreating, so the anger manifests and there is Rudra. So this is the manifestation of that Shiva coming over here. That Shiva manifest through Brahmaji. That Sadashiva is eternal, this Shiva is not eternal. Just as Brahma himself is not eternal. Just as this Brahma is meant for this universe, similarly this manifestation of Rudra is meant for this universe. Then that Rudra starts reproducing and then Brahmaji become little scared that he is so angry he will reproduce creatures like him only. So better you go and perform austerities. Then later on the process of creation this Rudra expands into more rudras. The multiple Rudras are there, they come from the Rudra, they come from this Shiva who has come from Brahmaji. So within the universe Shiva is the son of Brahmaji.

Beyond this there is Shiva who is the destructive principle. Three principle, when we talk about Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh, they are three God’s , we are just not referring to three person. They are three person , no doubt but they are also referring to three principles. Three principles are creation, maintenance, destruction. These are also connected with three modes. Goodness is maintenance, passion is creation and ignorance is destruction. We know that Sadashiva is eternal and he has his consort Parvati devi who also with him lives eternally. But in the material world it is also said at many times that Shiva is touched by mode of ignorance, that’s why he is kṣīraṁ yathā dadhi vikāra-viśeṣa-yogāt. Milk touched with some acid, gets transform in curd and like that Vishnu gets transformed into Shiva. This does not refer to Sadashiva. Sadashiva is almost transcendental because he is also in the spiritual world, nothing destruction happening over there. But in this world these three devtas– Brahama, Vishnu, Mahesh are in one sense under prakarti. They all under prakarti because they are all within prakarti, within material nature there. Although they are not conditioned like us to the same extent but they are to some extent under material nature, not under in sense of being imprisonment but they are influencable by material nature to a small degree. When we talk about Vishnu, Prabhupada talks about in two ways and one of two places Prabhupada says that Vishnu is not definitely like the other Gods. He is transcendental but the fact is if you look at the purshaavtars, the pursha avtars are Mahavishnu, garbhodakshayi Vishnu and khsirodakshaye Vishnu. Vishnu is not directly in contact with material nature. He is transcendental but certainly the Vishnu who is maintaining the material world or is connected with the maintenance of the material world is much more in contact with material world than Krishna in spiritual world or even Vishnu in Vaikuntha. That’s how these avtars of Vishnu who were in contact with material world they are called purusha avtars. Purusha is normally defined in contrast with prakarti. Purusha in and of itself is always like a pair with prakarti. So purusha avtars refers to those avtars which are connected with prakarti. Now we are not saying that they are controlled by prakarit. but they are in contact with prakarti. Spiritual world avtars manifestation are not connected with prakarti at all.

This feature of creation, maintenance, destruction, it is innate to material nature. It’s constantly happening and that is done by these particular devtas, Vishnu maintains or Shiva destroys. Now off course Lord Shiva role becomes most dramatic and dominant at the end of creation when everything has to be destroyed. But throughout the destruction that is happening ultimately supervise by Lord Shiva only in this world. That’s why the same verse which is used,

nārāyaṇaḥ paro devas tasmāj jātaś caturmukhaḥ tasmād rudro ’bhavad devaḥ sa ca sarva-jñatāṁ gataḥ

one of the verse which Prabhupada quotes in 10.8 purport, there he says that after Shiva is born from Brahmaji sarva-jnatam, he becomes all knowing. So all knowing there is absolute omniscience and there is partial omniscience. Partial omniscience means that for the sake of their functioning in this world Brahmaji, Shivaji and Yamraja, they are given omniscience of this universe. Krishna has omniscience of all the universes but they are given omniscience of this universe and that’s how they bring about the destruction, whatever is required or Yamraja gives sinful punishments. Punishment for sinful reactions and Brahmaji overall looks management in the universe.

In this way we say that Shiva exists eternally in spiritual world. When Shiva manifest through Brahmaji and in that manifest multiple Shivas. Then eleven Rudras come after that. Now again Shiva if we see there is Kailash parvat on the Himalayas. But look at the Bhagavatam there is description of Kailash which is much-much bigger. That means Kailash is in the heavenly planets also. Just like Goloka Vrindavan in the spiritual world, there is replica Vrindavan over here. Similarly there is a replica of Kailash in the Himalayas. But along with that there is a celestial Kailash that is there in the heavenly planets. That Shiva is not Sadashiva. He is in the material world and he is not like the other Gods. Other Gods they change after manvantara. The eighth canto fourteenth chapter talks about it. He was Indra, he was this, he was that, like that but this does not change. Shiva exists almost like as long as the universe exists. Then Shiva destroy universe and Brahmaji also dies and that Shiva manifesting also ends, Sadashiva continues to exists. Thats how there is a connection between three. Now depending on what we are referring to the Mahesh what we talking about will be different. Mahesh will be destructive influence. Normally it refer to the principle of destruction that is Shiva. So within the universe it is the specific Shiva who brings about destruction. Overall in each universe there is a particular Shiva who does that. But overall we understand this is the power of Sadashiva, that is manifesting in this world through some of his expansions through whom the destruction happens.


Once Roop Goswami thought, “In order to fulfill the innermost heart’s desire of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, I will write a drama. In this drama I will explain the beauty of the union of Shri Radha and Sri Krishna in Vrindavan, and also Their separation pastimes, when Lord Krishna leaves Vrindavan and goes to Mathura and Dwarka."

He intended to write about this, but while he was traveling towards Jagannath Puri, then Satyabhama-devi, Lord Krishna’s chief queen, appeared to him in a dream and told him, “Please don’t make only one drama. Please divide it into two parts.”
Then, when Srila Roop Goswami finally arrived at Jagannatha Puri and met with Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, He confirmed what he had heard from Srimati Satyabhama in his dream. Sriman Mahaprabhu told him, “Don’t take Sri Krishna out of Vrindavan.”

Chaitanya-charitamrita (Antya 1.67):
krishno ’nyo yadu-sambhuto
yah purnah so ’sty atah parah
Vrindavanam parityajya
sa kvachin naiva gachchati

Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu told Rupa Goswami. “The Krishna known as Yadukumara is Vasudeva Krishna. He is different from the Krishna who is the son of Nanda Maharaja. Yadukumara Krishna manifests his pastimes in the cities of Mathura and Dwaraka, but Krishna, the son of Nanda Maharaja never leaves Vrindavan at any cost. He never takes an inch of step outside Vrindavan.”

Shri Krishna, the one who is soul beloved of Radha, he never goes out of Vrindavan, however, this mystery is known to very few people only. To give supreme pleasure to His loving associates and even to relish His own wonderful pastimes, Sri Krishna manifested in Vrindavan in his pure Madhurya form with Radharani. Therefore Rasik Saints of Vrindavan used to recite: "Humaro Murali Waaro Shyam" (The flute holder Krishna is ours only). The flute holder Krishna is only our, all in all, we don't want or try to know much about Krishna of Mathura or Dwarka.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Laddu Gopal

There is a Deity of Gopal Krishna, a small Gopal. “laddu Gopal” we call Him. This is in Sri Khanda. There Mukundananda and his wife, their son was Raghunanda.

The father had to go and see some disciple who was on the death bed. He quickly gave the initiation to his son. The ugranaya, first mantra of the gayatri. “You can worship the Deity. Your mother will tell you what to do. I have to go to see my disciple, to help him remember Krsna at the time of death.” The he went off.

The mother said, “You just go in, you ask the Deity to accept the laddus, then you come back with the plate.

So he went to the Deities, put the laddus there, and asked the Deity to accept: “Please accept these laddus.”

The Deity wasn’t accepting. He didn’t see. He cried, “hhuhh huhhh”

The Deity asked, “Why are you crying?”

“You are not taking the laddus.”

“You want me to eat?”

“Oh yes. My mother said you would eat.”

Then the Deity became a little boy and started eating the laddus. The boy came back with an empty plate to his mother.

The mother looked at the empty plate. “Where are the laddus?”

“Oh the Deity ate them,” said the boy. She was wondering what’s happening? This was going on every day, and the Deity was taking every day.

When Mukundananda came back, the mother told him this is happening. He said, “I’ll hide in the temple and watch what is happening.” Then he came behind the Deity, and was listening. He heard the boy say, “Please accept these laddus. Eat them.” Then he didn’t hear anything. He looked up, and he saw the Deity eating the laddus. The Deity had become like a little boy and was eating the laddus.

“Huh!” he gasped. You don’t expect to see the Deity eating laddus like that. He was shocked. When He heard the gasp, the Deity became stone again. In his hand He had a half-eaten laddu.

Since then they offer the Deity half laddu.

So the boy became very famous. The Deity was eating from his hand.

When Raghunanda grew up he established the Lord Caitanya dancing Deity in Khatwa, at the place where Lord Caitanya took sannyas.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Gopa Kumar

Gopa-kumära receives the gopäla-mantra from his gurudeva. Due to the influence of this gopäla-mantra, it becomes possible for him to travel to all abodes without restriction.

  1. First, he takes darçana of the manifestations of Bhagavän that appear in this earthly realm, or Bhü-maëòala, such as Çré Çälagräma Bhagavän; the Deity manifestation of the Lord who is ensconced in the palace of the king; and the ancient Deity of Çré Jagannäthadeva.He sequentially describes their progressively greater glories. 
  2. Then, by the influence of the chanting of his mantra, he reaches the planets of Svarga, Mahar, Janas, Tapas, and Satya, where one by one he has divine vision of the worshipable manifestations of the Lord who manifest in those abodes. Thus he also experiences Their transcendental excellences in succession. Yet Gopa-kumära does not experience complete happiness in those places.
  3. Thereafter, he takes darçana of the manifestations of Bhagavän that are present in the eight coverings of the universe and arrives in the abode of liberation. In mukti-loka, the realm of liberation, Gopakumära sees the manifestation of the brilliance of the Supreme Person, but still, complete satisfaction eludes him. 
  4. After this, in accordance with regulative principles, he performs saìkértana of the holy name, the most prominent of the nine processes of bhakti. By the potency of näma-saìkértana, he travels first to Vaikuëöha, then to Ayodhyä, and then to Dvärakä-puré. However, because in those realms the mood of aiçvarya, or awe and reverence for the Lord, is prominent, he cannot freely associate with the worshipful manifestations of the Supreme Person there.
  5. Finally, Gopa-kumära returns to Våndävana manifest on earth, where he executes rägänugä bhakti, spontaneous devotional service that follows the moods of the eternal associates of Vraja. By the potency of his practice of rägänugä bhakti, he attains Goloka-Våndävana. There, he obtains his cherished goal – service to Çré Kåñëa, the son of the king of Vraja.

One should not conclude from this history that there is any difference in the tattva, or fundamental truth, of the various manifestations of Bhagavän. All manifestations of the Lord are complete, from Çré Çälagräma Bhagavän to Çré Nandanandana (Kåñëa, the darling son of Nanda Mahäräja). From the perspective of tattva, They are one, yet from the perspective of rasa, or the sweetness of transcendental relationships, Çré Nandanandana is the most excellent.

Sri Laghu / Brhad Bhagatamrtam

Bhagavatamrtam By Goswami Brothers

Sri Laghu Bhagatamrtam By Rupa Goswami

This book is a summary and description of the Avataras of the Lord. It will describe two types of nectar - the nectar of Lord Sri Krsna, and the nectar of His devotees.

Sri Brhad Bhagatamrtam By Sanathana Goswami

In Brihad-Bhagavatamritam, Sanatana Goswami records the conversation that took place between Pariksit Maharaja and his mother Uttara after he had heard the Bhagavata from Shukadeva. She asks him to explain the gist of the Bhagavatam, and Pariksit Maharaja begins by telling the story of Narada's search for the most fortunate and intimate devotee of Krishna. This part of the conversation reveals the gradation of intimacy in devotional service. Progressing from those devotees whose bhakti is mixed with karma (Brahma) and jnana (Shiva), Narada progresses to shanta-rasa (Prahlada) dasya-rasa (Hanuman) sakhya-rasa (Arjuna) and finally to Krishna's dearmost devotee Uddhava, who aspires for a position in Vrindavana and who reveals the love of the gopis for Krishna as the last word in bhakti.

Part Two of Brihad-Bhagavtamrita reveals the story of gopa-kumara, an errant cowherd boy who, having received mantra initiation from a resident of Vrindavana, passes through one planetary system after the next, exploring different levels of consciousness in a spritual odyssey that takes him from earth, through the heavenly planets to Brahmaloka, Viraja, the brahmajyoti, Shivaloka, Vaikuntha, Ayodhya, Dwarka, Mathura, and finally Goloka, where he realizes his eternal position in the pastimes of Krishna in sakhya rasa.

Monday, April 1, 2019


Below are the symbols on charan sila :

  1. Foot Print 
  2. Flute, 
  3. Stick 
  4. Cows footprint

Everyday Sri Sanatana Gosvami would circumambulate the fourteen mile circumference of Govardhan hill. As he became advanced in years this became somewhat difficult, but he was not inclined to give up his vow. Krsna, however could understand that it was difficult for him, so He came to him one day dressed as a cowherd boy.

"Baba! You have become old now, so I think it isn't necessary for you to circumambulate Govardhan hill anymore."

"No. Lala! This is my regular vow, my worship."

"You can renounce this vow in your old age."

"No Lala. One should never renounce his vows."

"Baba. I have a very good idea, if you will accept it."

"If it is acceptable surely I will accept it."

Then Sri Krsna presented him a stone from Govardhan hill with the imprint of His foot, a calf's foot print and the impressions of a stick and flute in it.

"Baba! This is a Govardhan sila."

"What will I do with this?"

"You can circumambulate this sila, and that will be the same as circumambulating Giri Govardhan." Saying this much the cow herd boy disappeared. Then Sanatana could understand that Giriraja Himself had presented His worshippable form to him and from that day he would circumambulate this sila.

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